IVF & Being Infertile
WTF is a WTF appointment?

WTF is a WTF appointment?

They call it the “WTF Appointment” — the one you have with the doctors after your IVF fails, where they can’t give you any reason why it didn’t work. Nor can they tell you anything that’s really of value at all. So we just decided not to go to ours.

Becoming a Bitter Infertile

You know that whole “don’t judge me ’til you’ve walked a mile in my shoes” thing I am always preaching? I realized today that I am really, really bad at following my own advice.

The News: Getting the results of our iVF cycle

The phone rang. “Are you somewhere you can talk?” the nurse asked. With that, I already knew what she was going to say. Our first attempt at IVF, our first fresh cycle, had failed. Is there an upside to this? I try my damnedest to find a few positives in this crappy, shit-loaded situation.