When faced with the prospect of sticking a 1-1/2 inch needle in my own arse, I turn into a huge coward. I need a little roundhouse-kickin’ inspiration.
Putting the cart before the horse
It’s human nature to fantasize about the future, especially if you want something badly and are trying to achieve it. I can’t stop dreaming about something that’s still very far away.
In Vitro Numero Deux
It’s been over a year, but I found myself back in the halls of the IVF clinic for one exciting reason: Baby. Number. Two.
No offense, it’s just not my thing.
A random woman on a Facebook forum’s distaste for fertility drugs made me really angry. I think it’s because infertility is no one’s “thing.”
Needles, woods, and other things to leave behind
Every milestone signifies the start of something new, and the end of something else. Hopefully someday one of these milestones will give me permission to relax.
A Delicate Balance
Is it dangerous to know too much about the possible bad outcomes? How can you keep the happy ending in mind when your head is contemplating a Quentin Tarantino ending?
Stealing my husband’s thunder
I’ve been waiting a few weeks so my husband can post his own blog about what’s happening with our baby-making mission. But I guess I will jump the gun and let the cat out of the bag. Hey, who likes idioms?!
Not a BFP. More like an LTP.
Being pregnant is an absolute. You either are, or you’re not. Right? That’s what I always thought, but like many things in this dog-and-pony show, I am learning as I go.
Dr. Pancake and my WTF Appointment
My doctor got rid of the private entrance for infertility patients, but I now understand the appeal of the back door (wait, that didn’t come out right).